1/ Terminal ? Right-of-Way costs ?,000 per mile. Are you sure you want to declare bankruptcy? Select a railroad to operate: Surveying route from ? to ?. ? Revenue YTD: ? Yearly Interest: ? ? is already taken. No station in ?. No such city! $500,000 bond repaid by ?. $?,000 transfered to ?. $?,000 transfered from ?. 10,000 shares of ? stock sold for ?. You take control of the ?! 10,000 shares of ? stock purchased for ?. The enemy managment demands a buy out for which you do not have enough money. (?)! Management demands $?.00 per share for treasury stock. Total Cost: ?. You are only authorized to invest in 1 other RailRoad." As a ?, You are only authorized to invest in ? other RailRoads." Stock Price History